Product number: 207

Cube: 2.65

Number of plies: 1

Roll diameter: 6.75

Cases per pallet: 42

Feet per case: 7,200

Roll lenght: 600’

Layers per pallet: 6

Cases per truck: 1,176

UPC: 0-88639-00207-7

Brand: Roses

Core size inside diameter: 2.10"

Roll per case: 12

Color: Natural

Roll widht: 7.75

Cases per layer: 7


Ideal for foodservice, schools, lodging, and all government and public facilities, Roses natural hardwound roll towels provide a high-value solution for all settings. Featuring full embossing, exceptional absorbency, and high capacity for high-traffic areas, these towels are your first choice for cost control and savings per foot. Produced with 40%-60% post- consumer recycled content, Roses hardwound towels deliver consistency in performance, with affordability and universal compatibility.